Monday, 17 September 2012

Someday All The Adults Will Die


This is an exhibition of punk graphics which included zines, record sleeves, posters and tee shirts.

On the info text at the beginning of the exhibition is a quote from Jon Savage:

Punk begins in a feeling of boredom so strong that it becomes hate. That teen disaffection is alchemised by the Sex Pistols into pure energy. That energy then fuels  a self-starting culture that spreads from music right across the media into clothing, design, fanzines. Do It Yourself is the ideology, put the method is found in the use of taboo images, confrontational poses, anarchistic politics, xerox printing and black, black humour. A few years later, people wake up and wonder what happened. They're still wondering.

It was refreshing to see the immediacy of the anarchic design, the stencilling and the creative use of the xerox machine as a total antidote to the slickness of photoshop that we have all become so used to. I could really sense the energy.

Punk graphics referenced Dadaist collage and the Situationist International.
It can also be linked to proto-pop art, counter-cultural protest graphics and the underground press of the 1960s.

In my ongoing trace project (more process than outcome) I am looking alot at
found text and taking it out of context especially with the newspaper headlines:

I am thinking about different ways of presenting this text and how also to
reproduce my own words in booklet form. Stencilling could be an interesting

I think I will also take another look at the underground press of the 1960s.

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