Friday 16 September 2011

then there was a loud bang
possibly the most awesome thing
they will risk
extra pressure

without anybody noticing

what we are dealing with is
the worst case scenario
they make us cry
not getting what you want
anyone who has been 
granted compensation
say the hoaxers
the experience was just amazing
people can choose 
to fight this 
money can be conceptualised
immerse yourself in every
this counts as a new idea

cut up poem made using text found in this morning's Metro newspaper as I travelled on the bus
each separate phrase is on a new line....... these unconnected pieces of text are brought together 
to create new meaning ......or not......


  1. I am fascinated by this venture in creative writing Jaq :-)

    The series would make an intriguing artist's book....

  2. yes I am really enjoying exploring this form of 'poetry'/cut up text and I am hoping to develop this
    into a artist book ..... I certainly like the
    challenge of looking at text in this way ......
