Friday 1 March 2013



a combination of found text and image (collage in sketchbook)

On a kitsch pinky red background of printed roses I have juxtaposed 'Keep Moving' in modernist font at dynamic right angles on the diagonal. At the top of the composition the text on a blue background with contrasting bright yellow paint reinforces the same imperative. Placed alongside is a fragment of a magazine image showing part of a woman's face in a pose of stylized perfection. 

The text contradicts the image. Roses suggest tending a garden and domesticity as in the idylized dream 'a cottage with roses round the door'. The female face is a notion of beauty marketed by the media and advertisers. The text on the diagonal suggests movement, energy and escape but perhaps it can only be a dream.

As I continue to look at Schwitters' work not just his collages but his poems too I want to develop my own response .....perhaps visual text poems using found objects and printed material. 

It is encouraging to be working alongside other artists who are also exploring collage and who have seen the Schwitters exhibition at Tate Britain. We can share our discoveries and discuss ideas.


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