Monday 14 January 2013

Tracing Thoughts

This is something I tried out this morning......tracing the thoughts going through
my mind.......

its actually snowing run run cold in my face sharp cold cross road run can hear the bus behind me run out of breath already a few steps more slow down catch breath onto bus now now space down stairs up sit yellow street light drizzle on the front window time to get off get up now and get downstairs while the bus waits at the red light hold on tight round the corner off the bus wet pavement  not sticking yet no need to rush I have a few minutes snow rests white on my dark jumper it will be wet everyone is in the bus shelter four minutes to wait unless the other one is coming  yet get this front or back? front not cold but its always warmer when it snows less people on the bus than usual may be that's it may be that's all we are going to get in terms of snow has it stopped snowing looks like it tho it is hard to tell through the window peering out into black upon black the worst bit of now is when it has been trampled under foot  then it freezes it is hard walking on ice no it is still snowing up here by the river or is it rain no its snow all feather-like it is so dark green yellow red wait snow is so delicate as it falls from the sky so silently rain drums on the roof or the pane but snow falls silently silent and blue lights siren flash past at the bus station now get bag up and off bus get paper this station is under cover so no need to put on jacket just like wearing  a wool jumper  no jacket got paper boring headline on front paper the sky is full of it lit up by street light connecting bus here already I am making good time sit at the front its quite warm got scarf but won't put it on yet now paper yes 'we pay for wind farm "blunders" ' with blunders in quotes over bumps in road this bit of the journey is like going through a building site new development 'decriminalise all drugs to protect young, say peers' 'stubborn blast of ice and snow to blanket Britain for a week' 'bitter chill to swallow' good picture under the railway bridge going fast hate it when bus goes along really slow because it is early someone paying in cash most of us have got oyster cards the back doors beep closed at every stop but I can screen out such noise I can even switch off from the talking destination indicator so do I just call it the talking bus like we used to call those very long single deckers bendy buses like wobbly bridge hole in the wall gerkin not the real name but everyone knows what we mean what's that red light hight in the sky no it must be reflection no its the light on a crane right back to the paper got keys phone yes what time is it that clock at the station was wrong it has to be not much in the paper time to get off look its stuck to the rubbish bin the snow is sticking to those windscreens it is later than I thought that clock was wrong take bag of shoulder the light shines beautifully through the glass of the bus shelter roof never have to wait long here lots of buses I can catch at Clapham up the hill with the station on the right snow has stuck to the top of the walls but the pavements are very wet and the roofs and windscreens of cars are covered white I'm hungry now don't know why I am carrying this paper under my arm nothing in it round the corner just a few more stops so get ready to get off my stop is next get ready someone else has pressed the bell.

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